About Deirdre June
Deirdre was named after the tragic Irish heroine in John Millington Synge's book, "Deirdre of the Sorrows." What that has to do with anything is still becoming clear to her. Suffice it to say, she has been aware of her psychic gifts since she was a child, and like many mediums or psychics, she did not consciously recognize how to use these gifts until much later. Deirdre came to recognize them in full force when she reached her middle twenties and predicted many incidents, which were avoided due to forewarnings. One involved her own car catching on fire, which she was able to put out in time because of a prior warning she had received just as she was leaving the house.
On one occasion, she heard the sounds of a car crashing on the road ahead of her when nobody else in the car heard it. Shortly after, they came upon the accident scene.
Deirdre sensed the danger of a collision with her own car, which gave her the opportunity to change her mind about taking the children with her and left them at home with their father. However, as it was important for her to go, regardless, she made sure she drove five miles an hour down the country road she had to travel on -- ultimately avoiding the inevitable collision by inches.
Later, she predicted dangerously defective wheels on a friend's new rental car, and a bad tire on her daughter's brand new car before a tire fiasco become known, although these defects were not noticeable to the naked eye.
Danger, however, is not the only thing Deirdre senses. She is able to interpret people's motives, can read through the written word to get to the core of the meaning, and has used her sentient gift when hiring people. She is able to discern if a person is telling the truth.
"I see what they are saying, but I know when it is not Truth. I don't judge them. I don't think they are bad for not telling the truth, I simply know they are not, and that the situation in which I find myself is what it is. It is that simple. It is as though I am a machine, recording the information, unable to make even the slightest judgment or able to give the slightest reaction. It just IS what it IS."
Deirdre has also been graced with the gift of automatic writing. Faced with a particularly stressful time in her life, she found herself one lonely evening, writing automatically. The message that came through was clear and evident -- she had to keep studying to learn more about these gifts from God. When she found Ruth Montgomery and realized she was not alone in this unusual gift, she was very relieved.
However, her father's illness with cancer was what brought Deirdre to seriously begin studying this phenomenon in earnest. During this time, she put all her energy into the study of what healing energy was all about and attended numerous workshops, including Dr. Bernie S. Siegel's Exceptional Cancer Patients (Author of: Love, Medicine & Miracles), and she held her own healing circles. Most recently, she attended seminars and workshops facilitated by: Jean Houston's A New Mind For a New Millennium (Author of: A Mythic Life: Learning to Live Our Greater Story) at Rowe Camp, Dr. Carolyn Myss Anatomy of the Spirit, and Stewart Pearce The Alchemy of Voice. She has attended numerous other psychic phenomenon seminars, including those about UFO's and Alien Abductions (Budd Hopkins, John White, et al), and has taken Brandon Bays' The Journey.
Throughout her entire life, Deirdre has been fascinated with philosophy and religion. Born and baptized in the Church of England, she explored many faiths including, the Episcopal, Baptist, Roman Catholic, and Methodist Churches, the Spiritualist Church, Buddhism and has attended Synagogue with her husband, as well as Evangelical services. Deirdre considers herself a Christian and believes that Jesus Christ is her brother with whom she can commune at will. She does not believe, however, that those who do not have her beliefs are doomed forever. She has a universal belief that all religions belong to one Source, which is the God of Us All and embraces people of all religions. Deirdre also believes it is wrong to disagree with another's right to practice their own religion in the way they see fit.
She has studied Edgar Cayce's transcripts and read many books on various subjects ranging from: the Conversations With God Trilogy and those that followed, to the Bible, Classical Poetry, Shakespeare, Deepak Chopra, Whitley Strieber (Communion Series), Sylvia Browne, James Van Praagh, Gary Zukov, James Redfield (Celestine Prophecy Series), George Anderson (We Don't Die), and all variations in between. As mentioned above, she admires Ruth Montgomery, whom she considers her mentor, and who provided her with the solace she so desperately needed when her father was ailing, and she began to question what life on this earth was all about.
In her professional life, she has had a full career in the administration of many businesses and is a certified Reiki Practitioner and Master Teacher, a member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals and the American Board of Reiki.
Before she semi-retired, she owned and operated her own Reiki studio and offered career counseling, guiding people towards their true calling.
She now lives in New Hampshire and continues to enjoy a following of those who still wish to receive her gifts.

Reiki Master/Teacher and Level Certificates

Close up of water fall

Reiki Master/Teacher and Level Certificates
Deirdre's career includes: program administrator for a theater school, real estate property manager, travel agent, executive assistant to the VP for development at a private 4-year college, assistant to the executive director of an art museum and personal assistant to an author. She was recently widowed and has two amazing adult children, and four grandchildren (the lights of her life) who are Nathanial, Jacob, Victor and Kaitlyn respectively.
Deirdre resigned from her longstanding career to devote more time to the healing arts in the quest to help others.
"I feel that it is time to commit. I believe that we have to LIVE what we BELIEVE." She is currently writing a book about her experiences.
What Deirdre will do for you and how she conducts her readings:
"First of all, I care about you. I am a Spiritual Medium/Healer. During meditation, I call in my angelic energies and spirit guides to assist me in requests for healings and readings, and if they feel it necessary, enhance the session through automatic writing. My healing gifts encompass all faiths, for I believe that God sends His Angels to guide us on our chosen paths, and that He is available to everyone at any time. I believe in our innate ability to heal ourselves through our soul knowledge, and will call upon my client's own spirit guides and angels to assist and form a healing energy for them to carry with them after I have completed the healing process from my end.
I listen carefully when I counsel. I believe that what might be considered to others as destructive behavior might rather be, on some deeper level, the Source telling the physical body to sit up and listen - to feel the pain, recognize it, and to then deconstruct or unravel the reasons for this behavior.
Before an appointment or an E-mail Reading with you, I will meditate up to one hour. I will receive visions, hear messages from Spirit and then, if called to do so, will automatically write down what is necessary. This is important, and is the main reason why I will ask for the problem that is troubling you ahead of time. I do not believe in wasting people's money in a chat room or on the phone to get to the heart of the problem. I believe my gift is to be used ethically, or not at all. However, that is not to say that those who do are not genuine. The total time taken for one E-mail reading can be up to two hours at a minimum, for I not only want to meditate on the problem, but then I must decipher my notes afterward. I will compose a message with your reading containing up to 1,000 words. I provide discounts for referrals.
My web site also has a Prayer Circle, which I invite you to join. As well as an In Memoriam page where you may put your loved ones' names."
Julie writes: "Deirdre put me in touch with one of my Spirit Guides who turned out to be my great grandmother who I never knew. She told me that she was from Czechoslovakia, described her clothing, and said that she had lived by a river, which had blue cornflowers nearby. This was all correct information that I did not have any knowledge of until I checked with my mother, who confirmed every detail. She has also helped me physically with her healing energy ."
Cathleen writes: "All I can say is 'WOW!' I am still going over what you sent and will take it home tonight to absorb it since there is so much imagery and information. However, I just have to share with you that I cracked up laughing over the 'mares eat oats and does eat oats and so on'. My mother used to sing this refrain to my sister and I and we all used to sing it over and over. It was one of my mother's favorite nursery songs to sing to and with us. I feel strongly you were picking up on my mother's presence."
Gwyn writes: "Thank you very much for your incredible message. Almost every sentence strikes me so much, even the very first message like 'you truly need more inspiration, not only in your studies, but also in your life.' Yes, it's what was happening to me in the past few weeks -- I was lacking of energy and power on both study and my living. Deirdre, thank you very much again. Without you, I may have lived a life in suffering. I really believe in you and your advice and the advice from your angels. I will follow all of that and I will let you know from time to time about this."
Rosalinda writes: "Thank you so much for my reading. I get as much pleasure and joy reading it as I feel you get meditating for me."
Sue writes: "You were right on. I had so much pain the other day....I've been doing the exercise and it is helping. Wow. You got my Aunt's name. Interesting. My mom's sister. And.... my great aunt.....and her son, who was killed suddenly.... he was her favorite. Yes I would like to have another reading. Very cool to get these names. Just too many to be a coincidence."
Maggie writes: "Oh how can I thank you!? This is so important to me -- how many times did [he] say to me [when he was alive] 'when we were good, we were really really good..' And that I was fantastic, and to be good. Just Monday night I was talking to him, and asking for a sign, some way to know he's ok, that it's ok. And I just prayed to be open to it, tho I didn't know what I expected. Then I sort of forgot about my request. And here you are, just a short time later with this. It gives me hope, consolation, and many many tears. God has so blessed me to be connected to you. I am so so deeply grateful. Thank you for sharing your gifts.
Jane writes: "What a gift! This is absolutely amazing and so unexpected. I keep re-reading it and finding more in it. Thank you so much for putting yourself into the channel for me and I know [he] thanks you also for helping him get word through to me. It really helps me forgive and move on to sending him positive energy and thoughts now."